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Music ministry

Do you have a passion to share God's love through music?  
Do you enjoy singing?  
We have a place for you in our choir where you can minister to others and yourself through song.  
Praise Team Rehearsal 6:00-7:00pm Wednesday Nights
Praise Ensemble (also known as Beulah Choir)
Wednesday Nights from 7:00-8:00  

Come join us in singing praises to our Lord
through the music ministry at Beulah!

Senior Adults

Our next meeting will be Wednesday,
November 8 @ 10:30am.
We will have a very special musical guest and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
Debra Myers' team will provide our desserts.


Golden Harvesters



WOmen's ministry

Women's Ministry is all about connecting hearts with one
another and with those who need to feel and experience God's
love. Our meetings involve fellowship, devotions,
food, fun, and serving.  Join us
for hands-on projects and opportunities for spiritual growth through Bible studies.
We have a place for you!
Beulah Ladies Are Strong Together
Our next meeting will be
Monday, Nov. 13 @ 7
in the 
Church fellowship hall



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Beulah Baptist Church

1851 Old Mountain Road Statesville, NC 28677

(704) 872-6971

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